Get Started - macOS

This document covers the steps to set up your ObjectiveFS filesystem on macOS. For Linux, see the Linux Get Started Guide

  1. Download and install ObjectiveFS on your Mac

  2. Download and install macFUSE for macOS

  3. Configure your credentials (one-time setup)
    a. Your S3 or GCS access and secret keys (see how to get AWS S3 keys or GCS keys)
    b. Your ObjectiveFS license (from your profile page)
    c. For the default region, enter the region of your bucket (see the region list)

    $ sudo mount.objectivefs config
    Enter ObjectiveFS license: <your ObjectiveFS license>
    Enter Access Key Id: <your S3 or GCS access key>
    Enter Secret Access Key: <your S3 or GCS secret key>
    Enter Default Region (optional): <S3 or GCS region>

  4. Create a file system
    Use a globally unique, non-secret file system name (i.e. a new bucket that doesn’t exist).
    Choose a strong passphrase, write it down and store it somewhere safe.
    IMPORTANT: Without the passphrase, there is no way to recover any files.

    $ sudo mount.objectivefs create <your filesystem name>
    Passphrase (for s3://<filesystem>): <your passphrase>
    Verify passphrase (for s3://<filesystem>): <your passphrase>
    Note: For S3, your filesystem will be created in the default region if specified in step 1 or us-west 2 otherwise. For GCS, it will be created in your physical location. To specify the region, see here.

  5. Mount the file system
    You need an existing empty directory to mount your file system, e.g. /Volumes/ofs.
    Process will run in the background.

    $ sudo mkdir /Volumes/ofs
    $ sudo mount.objectivefs <your filesystem name> /ofs
    Passphrase (for s3://<filesystem>): <your passphrase>

    You can mount this file system on all machines (e.g. laptop, ec2 servers, etc) that you’d like to share your data.

  6. Approve the FUSE kernel extension (for macOS High Sierra 10.13 and newer)
    a. Go to System Preference -> Security & Privacy -> General
    b. Click on “Allow” to unblock FUSE from loading
    reference: User-Approved Kernel Extension Loading from Apple


  1. To mount your filesystem without entering the passphrase manually, you can store your filesystem passphrase in /etc/objectivefs.env/OBJECTIVEFS_PASSPHRASE.
  2. To mount your filesystem on boot, see this mount on boot guide for macOS

See the User Guide for all commands and options. If you have any questions, please contact us at